Bleeding Gum Treatment
When you brush your teeth, if your gums bleed then you could be facing some very severe situations soon. Gum bleeding have been proven to increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, stroke, and more. Bleeding gums may expose your entire circulatory system to the attack of every form of bacteria that is present in your mouth. Proper and timely treatment and procedures are recommended as "Prevention is better than cure".
Bleeding Gum - Laser Treatment
Do you have swollen red gums or bleeding gums? Was the answer to the query you posed your self "YES".You may have gum disease or periodontal disease.Many adults have some form of periodontal disease and most of those have no signs to indicate they have a problem. Bleeding gums is a serious problem and you should be seeing a dentist immediately. Bleeding gums either indicate the beginning of destructive process of the supporting tissue around the tooth (gum disease) or it might be any serious underlying or hidden problem.
Gum Disease or periodontal disease begins when the toxins found in plaque which is nothing but sticky thin layer of food and bacteria covering the tooth surface that attack the soft or gingival tissue surrounding the teeth. This microorganism creates bacterial toxin and the irritants that cause the gums to bleed. The bacteria embed themselves in the gum tissue and breed further, leading to infection. As the bacterial infection deepens into the tooth supporting tissue, the gums bleed. Over a relatively short period of time recede, teeth become loose and eventually results in teeth loss. Bleeding gums is a sign of the disease and the end effect is loosening and loss of the involved teeth.
Traditional techniques for treatment of Gum disease involves using sharp instruments to scrape the tartar from the root surfaces (scaling and root planing), allowing the gum tissue to reattach to the roots. However, when the disease progresses to a point where scaling and root planing would not be effective, gum surgery is indicated. With traditional periodontal surgery, the gum tissue is cut with a scalpel and pushed aside. The roots and bone are cleared of deposits and smoothed. Then the gum tissue is replaced and stitches are used while the gum heals, often resulting in long exposed roots that are sensitive, unsightly, and vulnerable to decay and infection.
We @ PARTHA DENTAL use Laser to treat gum disease without cutting your gums and using stitches. Laser Assisted Procedure can accomplish the healing of your diseased periodontal tissue by laser treatment. We use Laser to treat many gum problems thus avoiding a surgery. Laser assisted treatment ensures more comfort, no bleeding and very fast healing. Within short period of your laser surgery your gums will look completely normal.
Crown Lengthening Treatment
Many people whose teeth are quite small in relation to the gum tissue are often conscious of their smile. This condition may create an unattractive smile. An uneven gum line can often be distracting the listener while you are speaking. The gum line, and the bone just beneath the gum line, may be lowered to change the appearance of your smile. This creates a more even gum line or make the teeth appear longer. "Crown lengthening" refers to re contouring of both gum and supporting bone. This procedure when performed atPartha dental is a laser assisted crown lengthening process.
Crown Lengthening - Laser Assisted
Crown Lengthening is used to allow more solid tooth structure to be available for teeth restoration. The process involves the removal of gum tissue and/or bone or both so that more tooth structure is accessible. When a tooth needs to be rebuilt or restored, but there is not enough tooth is left to support a secure restoration,then the crown lengthening procedure is done.Traditionally crown lengthening is done through surgical intervention and there is considerable extent of swelling and discomfort.
If the crown lengthening is done with laser therapy instead of surgical intervention , the healing will tend to be quicker and the procedure will have less swelling and discomfort.
Not all lasers are appropriate for this procedure. We are equipped with the appropriate laser device for laser therapy for Laser assisted crown lengthening.
Desensitization Treatment
Desensitization - using Dental Laser
Dentine hypersensitivity is prevalent amongst a large portion of individuals in the age group of 30 to 40 years. The result is oral discomfort generated by pain, and may lead to nutritional deficiency due to dietary restrictions . Normally, dentine is covered by enamel or cement and does not suffer direct stimulation. Only with the exposure of the peripheral terminations of dentinal tubules is a situation of strong dentinal sensitivity manifested, termed hypersensitivity.The most common factors responsible for dentine hypersensitivity are abrasion, caused by toothbrushing with inadequate intensity; abfraction, caused by tooth flexion associated with ill-directed occlusal forces, parafunctional habits or occlusal disequilibrium; erosion, as an effect of acids in the oral cavity; anatomic predisposition due to structural deficiency in the enamel-cement junction; cavity preparations in teeth with pulp vitality that expose the dentine; as well as improperly controlled dentinal acid conditioning.
Any treatment, which reduces the dentinal permeability, must diminish dentinal sensitivity. The effectiveness of dentine desensitization agents is directly related to their capacity to promote the sealing of the dentinal canaliculi.
With the advent of laser technology and its growing utilization in dentistry, an additional therapeutic option is available for the treatment of dentinal pain.
The laser, by interacting with the tissue, causes different tissue reactions, according to its active medium, wavelength and power density and to the optical properties of the target tissue.
The effectiveness of dentine hypersensitivity treatment with diode laser, with different wavelengths, has been reported in various clinical studies.We @ PARTHA DENTAL HAVE BEEN USING DENTAL LASERS FOR TREATMENT OF HYPERSENSITIVITY VERY EFFECTIVELY.
Gum Recontouring
Gum Recontouring - Using Laser Dentistry
A good smile,can make a lot of difference in your life. There are people who smile their way to success. Having white teeth is not the only factor for a great smile. Well-shaped, healthy-looking gums help showcase the teeth and improve the smile . Excessive gums(gummy smile),swollen gums or uneven gum line may seriously compromise the overall appearance of the smile. Laser gum re contouring is a procedure that can correct gum problems and improve oral health and smiles.Laser gum re-contouring process, involves the use of a diode laser to sculpt and shape the gum tissue. The patient receives a local anesthetic to numb the gums and eliminate pain. Next, the dentist will use the laser to gently reshape the gum line, correct asymmetrical gums and remove any excessive gum tissue.
The laser immediately seals the tissue promoting fast comfortable healing. Laser gum contouring remove the excess gum tissue around your teeth in order to expose more of the crown of your tooth. Gum contouring can also be used if your gums are uneven around your teeth. We are experts at Laser Gum contouring in India. Our equipment is among the best available. For great smile do schedule an appointment with our Laser dentist.
Laser Gum Depigmentation
A clinical assessment is carried out to customize the treatment to the patients needs, and the procedure itself can involve laser ablation techniques.
Laser Gum Depigmentation Techniques (Laser Gum Bleaching)
Melanocytes are cells which reside in the basal layer of the gingival epithelium. These cells produce melanin, which are pigments that cause discoloration or dark spots in gums. A dental laser can target and ablate the melanocytes, thus reducing the production of melanin in the gingival tissue. Following laser depigmentation, the gingiva heals by secondary intention. This results in a lighter and more uniform color of the gums.Laser Gum Surgery
The best news about the new laser technology is that, unlike traditional "flap" surgery, laser gum surgery promotes regeneration of diseased gum and root surfaces.The patient experiences no gum recession and no side effects than from scalpel surgery.
There is also a much lower chance of gum disease returning after laser gum surgery, since there is regrowth of the connective tissue. Other benefits include a nearly pain-free experience, very little recovery time, if any, and no higher cost than traditional scalpel gum surgery.
How Laser Gum Surgery Works
The process for laser gum surgery uses an FDA approved laser and is called LANAP, which stands for "laser-assisted new attachment procedure." The pulsing laser can tell the difference between diseased gum tissue, which is darker in color, and healthy tissue, and thus it only destroys the infected areas.The new attachment refers to the actions performed by the periodontist after removing the diseased tissue, when the laser is used to agitate the remaining tissue just enough so that it is stimulated to reattach to the bone. The heat of the laser then seals the gums with a "thermal blood clot, creating a physical barrier to any bacteria or tissue that could re-create gum pockets," according to Sam Low, vice-president of the American Academy of Periodontology.
While laser therapy hasn't been demonstrated to be superior to scalpel surgery, according to the Journal of Periodontology, the decreased pain and recovery time, as well as the potential for regeneration, suggest that there are some important advantages of the newer technology over the old.
The Process
After an initial exam and x-rays, the periodontist will schedule two appointments within a week of each other, and then proceed to treat one half of the mouth at a time.Each session takes about two hours and includes the use of Novacaine or a similar local anesthetic. After the area is numb, the periodontist will use the laser to seek out and destroy all the diseased gum tissue. It is then removed through a combination of water, suction and laser. Next, the doctor will use the laser to stimulate the regrowth and reaattachment of the gum tissue to the bone. The patient's bite is also adjusted to prevent unwanted grinding, and patients are usually given a bite guard to wear.
Laser Gum Surgery Post Operative Treatment and Recovery.
There is minimal recovery time after the laser gum surgery. The patient can drive themselves home and even return to work the same day. It is a good idea to take it easy for the first 24 hours, and antibiotic and anti-inflammatory medications are taken to prevent infection and reduce swelling.Crucial to the healing and regeneration at this point are the instructions to refrain from brushing teeth for about a week after the procedure. Gentle rinsing and rubbing the tooth lightly with a cotton swab is the most agitation allowed inside the mouth. A liquid and soft food diet is also required for a week, to prevent any disturbance of the new blood clots which have formed during the procedure. Soon, these will heal into healthy, sealed gum tissue, preventing further infection and disease.
Laser Teeth Bleaching
Laser Teeth Bleaching
Laser Teeth Bleaching also known as Tooth whitening or teeth whitening. It is a common procedure and is very effectively done by using Dental Lasers. A child's teeth are whiter than the adult teeth that follow. As a person ages the adult teeth become darker due to changes in the mineral structure of the tooth, as the enamel becomes less porous.Teeth can also become stained by bacterial pigments, foodstuffs and tobacco. Some medications can also cause teeth stains or a reduction in the brilliance of the enamel.
There are many methods to whiten teeth: bleaching strips, bleaching pen, bleaching gel, and natural bleaching. However the most advacned and sought after method of is laser teeth whitening.
Teeth whitening. Lasers are used to speed up the in-office teeth whitening procedures. A peroxide bleaching solution, applied to the tooth surface, is "activated" by laser energy, which speeds up of the whitening process.
How Do Lasers Work in Teeth Bleaching ?
All lasers work by delivering energy in the form of light. When used in teeth Bleaching procedures, the laser acts as a heat source and enhances the effect of tooth beaching agents.
Laser Teeth Whitening
Are you considering teeth whitening?A majority of teeth whitening systems may take weeks before the results show up as compared to when you use laser teeth whitening. When laser teeth whitening is opted for the results are immediately noticeable though there can be a difference in shades of whiteness that results from the laser teeth whitening. For more information in regards to Laser Teeth whitening please refer the information below.
Laser Teeth Whitening
Tooth whitening or teeth whitening also known as Dental bleaching. It is a common procedure and is very effectively done by using Dental Lasers. A child's teeth are whiter than the adult teeth that follow. As a person ages the adult teeth become darker due to changes in the mineral structure of the tooth, as the enamel becomes less porous. Teeth can also become stained by bacterial pigments, foodstuffs and tobacco. Some medications can also cause teeth stains or a reduction in the brilliance of the enamel. There are many methods to whiten teeth: bleaching strips, bleaching pen, bleaching gel, and natural bleaching. However the most advacned and sought after method of is laser teeth whitening. Teeth whitening. Lasers are used to speed up the in-office teeth whitening procedures. A peroxide bleaching solution, applied to the tooth surface, is "activated" by laser energy, which speeds up of the whitening process.How Do Lasers Work in Teeth Whitening ?
All lasers work by delivering energy in the form of light. When used in teeth whitening procedures, the laser acts as a heat source and enhances the effect of tooth beaching agents.
Laser Leukoplakia Treatment
Leukoplakia is caused due to chronic irritation or irritants like tobacco. Treatment for leukoplakia, involves removing the source of irritation.
Many a times Leukoplakia is usually harmless, and lesions clear in a few weeks or months after the source of irritation is removed. Quitting tobacco use of any kind may reduce or even eliminate leukoplakia.
Leukoplakia - Treatment using Laser
What is Leukoplakia. Leukoplakia is a clinical term used to describe patches of keratosis. It is visible as adherent white patches on the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, including the tongue. The clinical appearance is highly variable. It must be distinguished from diseases that may cause similar white lesions, such as candidiasis or lichen planus. It is sometimes described as precancerous. It is also associated with smoking.Tobacco, either smoked or chewed, is considered to be the main culprit in its development. Laser Surgery for LeukoplakiaLaser surgery for oral mucosal lesions has been reported to have many advantages, and it is widely used in the treatment of oral leukoplakia. Laser excision or vaporization are suitable for leukoplakia in the tongue and buccal mucosa. Management of oral leukoplakia prevents not only recurrence and malignant transformation, but also postoperative dysfunction . Laser surgery is an excellent procedure which can be done as a day case procedure under local anesthetic. We have good experience in removing Leukoplakia and in using Laser for the surgery.
Though removal of Leukoplakia may be successfully done using laser, Biopsy of suspected area must be done same time in order to rule out the possibility of cancer. The wound healing process after laser surgery or removal of leukoplakia using laser is very fast and no significant complications have been observed. The laser surgery or laser treatment of leukoplakia has provided a promising new approach in the management of these lesions with excellent wound healing.
Lichen Planus
Causes may include:
Exposure to medications, dyes, and other chemical substances (including gold, antibiotics, arsenic, iodides, chloroquine, quinacrine, quinide, phenothiazines, and diuretics) Disorders such as hepatitis C Oral Lichen planus generally affects middle-aged adultsSymptoms:
- Mouth lesions.
- Tender or painful (mild cases may have no discomfort.
- Located on the sides of the tongue or the inside of the cheek.
- Sometimes located on the gums.
- Area of blue-white spots or "pimples".
- Lines of lesions that form a lacy-looking network.
- Gradual increase in size of the affected area.
- Lesions sometimes form painful ulcers.
- Dry mouth.
Treatment using Laser
Lichen planus has been effectively treated using Diode laser. Diode laser provides a marked clinical improvement without the need for neither local nor systemic treatment. The effectiveness of the diode laser in treating lichen planus in a patients where the lichen lesion was resistant to local corticoidst to is remakable. Diode laser Wound healing Oral surgery is now an area of expertise for Partha dental. Our surgeons have good experience in treatment of Lichen planus using diode laser.Root Canal Treatment
If caries, inflammations, or infections spread to the dental nerves, there are often only two possibilities: complete removal of the tooth or a root canal treatment procedure which retains the tooth long-term as a functional chewing component. Even with progress in the area of long-term dental replacement, one's own tooth is always better than an artificial tooth. Keeping this in mind, root canal treatment is usually the most highly recommended alternative to teeth removal.
Root Canal - Laser assisted Treatment
A root canal is one of the most common dental procedures performed. This simple treatment can save your natural teeth and prevent the need of dental implants or bridges. Root canal involves the cleaning and sterilization of the root canal and removal of tissue from the canal. Most of the Root canal failures are attributed to incomplete removal of tissue from the canals. Laser when used for cleaning and sterilization within the canals, burns any tissue left and hence increases the success of the root canal treatments.We have good experience in laser assisted root canal sterilization and almost all root canal treatments at our clinic are laser assisted.
For further information and appointment please contact 91-939 44 44 113 on all working days between 9.30 AM and 8:00 PM
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